The Chorus of the Genesee is a non-profit, educational organization devoted to preserving the original American art form of Barbershop Harmony. The Chorus rehearses in Webster, New York, but performs all over the greater Rochester area. A portion of our proceeds support both local and national service projects.
Interested in joining the Chorus? Stop in any Tuesday evening, 7:00 - 9:30!
Please contact Dave Bay for music interest or Eileen Legler for facility interest.

Sing With Us, Join Us
Just stop in any Tuesday night 7-9:00.
See if you like us!
Men, check out Barbershop Harmony. Sing, Laugh, Learn and stay for Refreshments.
Our goal is to have every man, in his own way, experiencing the joy of hearing his voice contribute to the sound of barbershop harmony.
The Chorus of the Genesee
Harmony House, 58 E. Main, Webster Village (585) 265-9540.
Just stop in any Tuesday night 7-9:00.
See if you like us!
Men, check out Barbershop Harmony. Sing, Laugh, Learn and stay for Refreshments.
Our goal is to have every man, in his own way, experiencing the joy of hearing his voice contribute to the sound of barbershop harmony.
The Chorus of the Genesee
Harmony House, 58 E. Main, Webster Village (585) 265-9540.
Shots of a typical rehearsal

Here is a shot of our chorus at a weekly rehearsal.
About Us:
The Chorus of the Genesee is a part of the Rochester Chapter of SPEBSQSA, Inc, the Society for the Preservation and Encouragement of Barber Shop Quartet Singing in America. We sing four part a cappella music, specializing in an original American art form called barbershop harmony. Our membership comes from Rochester and many surrounding communities. Few of us are professional musicians, but we all love to sing. We meet Tuesday nights at 7:00 in Harmony House (directions).
In addition to our annual show in the Spring, we provide entertainment at music festivals, private functions, area nursing homes, senior centers, and museums. We are a championship chorus that has represented Western New York and Northwestern Pennsylvania in international competition more than twenty-five times. Here is our history:
The chorus started out as the Golden Notes. They later became known as the Fundamentals. Eventually, they became known as the Chorus of the Genesee. Here is a listing of their winning history.
District Champions: 1953, 1958, 1963, 1970, 1973, 1980, 1984, 1987, 1991, 1995, 1999, 2001, 2005, and 2015.
International Representatives: 1956 – Minneapolis, 1961 – Philadelphia, 1964 - San Antonio, 1965 - Boston, 1966 - Chicago, 1967 – Los Angeles, 1968 - Cincinnati, 1969 – St. Louis, 1971 - New Orleans, 1972 – Atlanta, 1976 - , 1977 – Philadelphia, 1978 - Cincinnati, 1980 – Salt Lake City, 1981 – Detroit, 1982 – Pittsburgh, 1983 – Seattle, 1984 – St. Louis, 1985 - Minneapolis, 1987 – Minneapolis, 1988 – San Antonio,, 1989 Kansas City, 1992 – New Orleans, 1993 – Calgary, 1996 – Salt Lake City, 1997 – Indianapolis, 1998 – Atlanta, 1999 - Anaheim, 2001 - Nashville, 2002 - Portland, 2003 - Montreal
The Chorus is a charitable organization that supports the national Harmony Foundation and Rochester's own Al Sigl Center.
We encourage music education in area schools through the Young Men In Harmony program and provide music scholarships to graduating seniors from area high schools.
- Visit us on Tuesday nights and join in the fun!
- Harmony House, our headquarters and available for rental
- Learn about joining the Chorus!
- Contact our officers
- Hire us for your special event!
- Meet our Quartets
- Upcoming Events
- More Barbershop info
- Pictures of the chorus