Joining the Chorus
The Chorus of the Genesee has a lot to offer all interested singers. This page will detail just a few of them.
The Chorus of the Genesee is always singing. We rehearse and perform throughout the year. The Chorus also competes in District contests in the Spring and Fall, and has qualified to compete at the International Contests held in July. The Chorus stages its Annual Show each Spring, inviting top notch barbershop talent as guest artists. December often means caroling in local malls and in the Village of Webster. The Chorus also regularly goes caroling in Webster around Christmas time. The Chorus has performed at the Sodus Bay Lighthouse several times in the past.
Since singing is the cornerstone of our organization, we want to help new members sing well from the start. Each rehearsal includes a warm-up session designed to teach proper singing technique and bring the many voices in the chapter together into one sound. The Chorus also purchases audio learning tracks for new repertoire, eliminating the need to read music. Those wishing to sing in a quartet, considered by many to be the epitome of the barbershop style, will find plenty of opportunities to get started.
New and prospective members are also encouraged to get started with the Barber Polecat songbook. The Polecat songs are easy to learn and easy to sing, especially since learning CDs are available. Since most members of the Barbershop Harmony Society know at least one part to each of the Polecat songs, a quartet often has an instant repertoire of a dozen songs! Afterglows following conventions, shows, and even regular rehearsals are often packed with people getting together to make music.
Barbershop is a four-part singing style. It can't be done alone! Barbershoppers tend to be personable people who enjoy ringing chords with friends and strangers alike. Working towards a common goal brings men together.
The Chorus of the Genesee is proud to have a long list of trips to International Competition in its history. Each Fall, the choruses of each district in the Society compete for the right to represent their district the following July. Since 1990, the Chorus has competed in New Orleans, Calgary, Salt Lake City, Indianapolis, Atlanta, Anaheim, Nashville, Portland, and Montreal.
The Chorus of the Genesee even crossed the Atlantic for a trip to Ireland! The trip included performances in St. Patrick's Cathedral in Dublin and at the Killarney Roaring '20s Festival. Another highlight of the trip was marching in Ireland's second-largest St. Patrick's Day Parade.
Growth Opportunities
The Chorus of the Genesee is the singing arm of the Rochester, New York chapter of the Barbershop Harmony Society. To support the Chorus's many activities, the Chapter has many responsibilities, including Harmony House maintenance. There is a Board of Directors which includes both chapter officers and members at large. Help is always needed to coordinate one-time and annual events like the Annual Show, Singing Valentines, and holiday parties. If you're looking for an organization that's a fit for more than just your singing talents, give us a try!
Want to know more?
Then come check us out any Tuesday night!
Also, check out the Personnel page for contact info.